Scientific recreations
- Books
Recreations in mathematics and natural philosophy ... / First composed by M. Ozanam ... Lately recomposed, and greatly enlarged, in a new edition, by the celebrated M. Montucla. And now translated into English, and improved with many additions and observations, by Charles Hutton ... With near one hundred quarto plates.
Ozanam, Jacques, 1640-1717.Date: 1803- Books
Die natürliche Magie : aus allerhand belustigenden und nützlichen Kunststücken bestehend / zusammengetragen von Johann Christian Wiegleb ; mit Kupfern.
Wiegleb, Johann Christian, 1732-1800.Date: 1782-1786- Books
- Online
Scientific recreations in philosophy and mathematics. Including arithmetic, acoustics, electricity, magnetism, optics, pneumatics; together with amusing secrets in various branches of science: the whole calculated, to form an agreeable and improving exercise for the mind / [William Enfield].
Enfield, William, 1741-1797.Date: 1825- Books
- Online
Nouvelles récréations physiques et mathématiques. Contenant ce qui a été imaginé de plus curieux dans ce genre et qui se découvre journellement; auxquelles on a joint les causes, leurs effets, la manière de les construire, et l'amusement qu'on en peut tirer pour étonner et surprendre agréablement / [Guyot].
Guyot.Date: 1799- Books
A rich cabinet with variety of inventions, unlock'd and open'd for the recreation of ingenious spirits at their vacant hours : being receits and conceits of severall natures and fit for those who are lovers of natural and artificial conclusions : as also variety of recreative fire-works both for land, air, and water, and fire-works of service for sea and shore : whereunto is added divers experiments in drawing, painting, arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, and other parts of the mathematicks / collected by J.W.
White, John, -1671.Date: 1668