Ear Diseases - therapy
- Books
- Online
The diseases of the ear and their treatment / by Arthur Hartmann ; translated from the third German ed. by James Erskine.
Hartmann, Arthur, 1849-1931.Date: 1887- Books
- Online
Cases illustrative of the treatment of diseases of the ear, both local and constitutional, with practical remarks relative to the deaf and dumb / [John Harrison Curtis].
Curtis, John Harrison, 1778-approximately 1860.Date: 1822- Books
The causes of deafness and head noises and the remedy : with addendum on catarrh, bronchitis and respiratory ailments / Neu-Vita Ltd.
Date: [between 1930 and 1939?]- Books
Zur Entwicklungsgschichte der in der Ohren-, Nasen- und Halstherapie verwendeten Arzneistoffgruppen und Präparate in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts im deutschsprachigen Raum : Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Würde eines Doktors der Philosophie vorgelegt der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel / von Thomas Rechtsteiner.
Rechtsteiner, Thomas.Date: 1997- Books
Non-surgical treatment of diseases of the mouth, throat, nose, ear, and eye / by Thomas H. Odeneal.
Odeneal, Thomas H., 1889-Date: [1926], ©1926