Joannes, de Mediolano. Regimen sanitatis Salernitatum
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni: or, The schoole of Salernes regiment of health : Containing, most learned and judicious directions and instructions, for the preservation, guide, and government of mans life. Dedicated, unto the late high and mighty King of England, from that university, and published (by consent of learned physicians) for a generall good. Reviewed, corrected, and inlarged with a commentary, for the more plain and easie understanding thereof. / By P.H. Dr. in Physicke, deceased. Whereunto is annexed, a necessary discourse of all sorts of fish, in use among us, with their effects appertaining to the health of man. As also, now, and never before, is added certain precious and approved experiments for health, by a right honorable, and noble personage.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1649 [i.e. 1650]- Books
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Conseruandæ bonæ valetudinis præcepta : longè saluberrima Regi Angliæ quondam à doctoribus Scholæ Salernitanæ versibus conscripta, pristino suo nitori restituta, & rhythmis Anglicanis illustrata. The Salerne Schoole. Or, the regiment of health. That is, physicall obseruations, for the perfect preseruing of the body of man in continuall health.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: Anno Dom. 1613- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni : The schoole of Salernes most learned and iuditious directorie, or methodicall instructions, for the guide and gouerning the health of man. Dedicated, and sent by them, to the high and mighty King of England, and published (by consent of learned and skilfull physitions) for the good and benefite of all in generall. Perused, and corrected from many great and grosse imperfections, committed in former impressions: with the comment, and all the Latine verses reduced into English, and ordered in their apt and due places.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: [1617?]- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni: or, The schoole of Salernes regiment of health : Contayning most learned and judicious directions and instructions, for the guide and government of mans life. Dedicated vnto the high and mighty King of England, from that Vniversity, and published (by consent of learned physitians) for a generall good. Reviewed, corrected, and inlarged with a comentary, for the more plaine and easie vnderstanding thereof. Whereunto is annexed, a necessary discourse of all sorts of fish, in vse among vs, with theyr effects, appertayning to the health of man.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1634- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni : The schoole of Salernes most learned and iuditious directorie, or methodicall instructions, for the guide and gouerning the health of man. Dedicated, and sent by them, to the high and mighty King of England, and published (by consent of learned and skilfull physitions) for the good and benefite of all in generall. Perused, and corrected from many great and grosse imperfections, committed in former impressions: with the comment, and all the Latine verses reduced into English, and ordered in their apt and due places.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1617