21 results filtered with: Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604
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A prooved practise for all young chirurgians, concerning burnings with gunpowder, and woundes made with gunshot, sword, halbard, pyke ... Heereto is adjoyned a treatise of the French or Spanish pockes / written by John Almenar.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1588- Books
- Online
A right frutefull and approoued treatise, for the artificiall cure of that malady called in Latin Struma, and in English, the evill, cured by kinges and queenes of England : Very necessary for all young practizers of chyrurgery. Written by William Clowes, one of her Maiesties chyrurgions, in the yeare of our Lord. 1602.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1602- Books
- Online
A briefe and necessarie treatise, touching the cure of the disease called morbus Gallicus, or lues venerea, by vnctions and other approoued waies of curing: nevvlie corrected and augmented by William Clowes of London, maister in chirurgerie.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1585- Books
A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea / ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1637- Books
- Online
A prooved practise for all young chirurgians, concerning burnings with gunpowder, and woundes made with gunshot, sword, halbard, pyke ... Heereto is adjoyned a treatise of the French or Spanish pockes written by John Almenar.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604.Date: 1588- Books
- Online
A short and profitable treatise touching the cure of the disease called (Morbus Gallicus) by unctions / set forth by William Clowes, of London, chirurgion.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: An. 1579- Books
A prooved practise for all young chirurgians, concerning burnings with gunpowder, and woundes made with gunshot, sword, halbard, pyke, launce, or such other / ... Heereto is adjoyned a treatise of the French or Spanish pockes, written by John Almenar ... Also, a commodious collection of aphorismes both English and Latin, taken out of an old written coppy. Newly corrected and augmented.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1591- Books
Guydos questions, newly corrected. Whereunto is added the thirde [translated by George Baker] and fourth booke of Galen, with a treatise for the helps of all the outward parts of mans body. [Translated by Robert Copland; edited by George Baker] And also an excellent antidotary [compiled by William Clowes] containing divers receipts, as well of auncient as latter wryters: faythfully corrected by men skilfull in the sayd Arte ... / [Guy].
Guy, de Chauliac, approximately 1300-1368.Date: 1579- Books
- Online
A prooued practise for all young chirurgians, concerning burnings with gunpowder, and woundes made with gunshot, sword, halbard, pike, launce, or such other : Wherein is deliuered with all faithfulnesse, not onely the true receipts of such medicines as shall make them bolde, but also sundry familiar examples, such as may leade them as it were by the hand, to the doing of the like. Hereto is adioyned a treatise of the French or Spanish pocks, written by Iohn Almenar, a Spanish phisition. Also a commodious collection of aphorismes both English and Latine, taken out of an old written coppy. Published for the benefite of his country, by William Clowes, maister in chirurgery. Newly corrected and augmented. Seene, and allowed, according to the order appoynted.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1591- Books
- Online
A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, &c : and also for curing of wounds made with musket and caliver shot, and other weapons of warre, commonly used at this day both by sea and land, as hereafter shall be declared: with an addition of most approved remedies, gathered for the good and comfort of many, out of divers learned men both old and new writers. Last of all is adioyned a short treatise, for the cure of lues venerea, by vnctions and other approued wayes of curing, heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare of our Lord 1596. By William Clovves one of her Maiesties chirurgions.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1637- Books
- Online
A briefe and necessarie treatise, touching the cure of the disease called Morbus Gallicus, or Lues Venerea, by unctions and other approoved waies of curing; newlie corrected and augmented ...
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604.Date: 1585- Books
Selected writings of William Clowes, 1544-1604 / edited with an introduction and notes by F.N.L. Poynter.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604.Date: 1948- Books
- Online
Guidos questions : newly corrected. VVherevnto is added the thirde and fourth booke of Galen, with a treatise for the helps of all the outward parts of mans body. And also an excellent antidotary containing diuers receipts, as well of auncient as latter wryters: faythfully corrected by men skilfull in the sayd arte.
Guy, de Chauliac, approximately 1300-1368Date: [1579]- Books
Profitable and necessarie booke of observations / by William Clowes ; with introductions, general and medical, by De Witt T. Starnes and Chauncey D. Leake.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604.Date: 1945- Books
- Online
A profitable and necessarie booke of obseruations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun powder, &c. : and also for curing of wounds made with musket and caliuer shot, and other weapons of war commonly vsed at this day both by sea and land, as heerafter shall be declared: vvith an addition of most approoued remedies, gathered for the good and comfort of many, out of diuers learned men both old and new writers: last of all is adioined a short treatise, for the cure of lues venerea, by vnctions and other approoued waies of curing, heertofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeere of our Lorde 1596. By William Clowes one of hir Maiesties chirurgions.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604.Date: 1596- Books
- Online
A profitable and necessarie booke of obseruations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun powder, &c : and also for curing of wounds made with musket and caliuer shot, and other weapons of war commonly vsed at this day both by sea and land, as heerafter shall be declared: vvith an addition of most approued remedies, gathered for the good and comfort of many, out of diuers learned men both old and new writers: last of all is adioined a short treatise, for the cure of lues venerea, by vnctions and other approued waies of curing, heertofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeere of our Lorde 1596. By William Clowes one of hir Maiesties chirurgions.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1596- Books
- Online
A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596 ...
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604.Date: 1637- Books
- Online
A prooued practise for all young chirurgians, concerning burnings with gunpowder, and woundes made with gunshot, sword, halbard, pyke, launce, or such other : Wherein, is deliuered with all faithfulnesse, not onely the true receipts of such medicines as shall make them bolde, but also sundry familiar examples, such, as may leade them as it were by the hand, to the doyng of the lyke. Heereto is adioyned a treatise of the French or Spanish pockes, written by Iohn Almenar, a Spanish physition. Also, a commodious collection of aphorismes both English and Latin, taken out of an old written coppy. Published for the benefyte of his countrey, by Wylliam Clowes, mayster in chirurgery. Seene, and allowed, according to the order appoynted.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1588- Books
- Online
A prooved practise for all young chirurgians, concerning burnings with gunpowder, and woundes made with gunshot, sword, halbard, pyke, launce, or such other... Heereto is adjoyned a treatise of the French or Spanish pockes, written by John Almenar... Also, a commodious collection of aphorismes both English and Latin, taken out of an old written coppy. Newly corrected and augmented.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604.Date: 1591- Books
- Online
A right frutefull and approoved treatise, for the artificiall cure of that malady called in Latin Struma, and in English the Evill, cured by Kinges and Queenes of England / [William Clowes].
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1602- Books
- Online
A briefe and necessarie treatise, touching the cure of the disease called Morbus Gallicus, or Lues Venerea, by unctions and other approoved waies of curing / newlie corrected and augmented.
Clowes, William, approximately 1540-1604Date: 1585