7 results filtered with: Packe, Christopher, 1686-1749
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De succo pancreatico: or a physical and anatomical treatise of the nature and office of the pancreatick juice shewing its generation in the body, what diseases arise by its vitiation : from whence in particular, by plain and familiar examples, is accurately demonstrated, the causes and cures of agues, or intermitting feavers, hitherto so difficult and uncertain, with sundry other things of worthy note / written by D. Reg. de Graaf ... ; and translated by Christopher Pack.
Graaf, Reinier de, 1641-1673.Date: 1676- Books
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The works of the highly experienced and famous chymist, John Rudolph Glauber: containing, great variety of choice secrets in medicine and alchymy in the working of metallick mines, and the separation of metals. Also, various cheap and easie ways of making salt-petre, and improving of barren-land, and the fruits of the earth / Translated into English, and pub. for publick good by Christopher Packe.
Glauber, Johann Rudolf, 1604-1670.Date: 1689- Books
Praxis Catholica; or the countryman's universal remedy. Wherein is plainly and briefly laid down the nature, matter, manner, place and cure of most diseases, incident to the body of man ... / Written by Robert Couch, sometimes practitioner in physick and chyrurgery, at Boston in New-England. Now published with divers useful additions (for publick benefit) by Chr. Pack.
Couch, Robert.Date: 1680- Books
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A further answer, being a true representation of Mr. Worger's case : in confutation of Dr. Packe's written paper / by John Gray.
Gray, John, of Canterbury.Date: 1726- Books
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A reply to Dr. Gray's three answers to a written paper : entitled Mr. Worger's case / by Christopher Packe.
Packe, Christopher, 1686-1749Date: 1727- Books
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Medela chymica: or an account of the vertues and uses of a select number of chymical medicines adapted to the cure of the most chronick and rebellious diseases. To which is subjoyned a brief history of cures effected by them : As also, an essay upon the Acetum acerrimum philosophorum, or vinegar of antimony. With some experiments made therewith / by Christopher Packe.
Packe, Christopher, 1686-1749Date: 1708- Books
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Ankographia [sic], sive convallium descriptio. In which are briefly but fully expounded the origine, course and insertion; extent, elevation and congruity of all the valleys and hills, brooks and rivers, (as an explanation of a new philosophico-chorographical chart) of East-Kent. Occasionally are interspers'd some transient remarks that relate to the natural history of the country, and to the military marks and signs of Cæsar's rout thro it, to his decisive battle in Kent ... / by Christopher Packe, M.D.
Packe, Christopher, 1686-1749.Date: 1743