12 results filtered with: Prohibited books
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The censorship of the church of Rome and its influence upon the production and distribution of literature : a study of the history of the prohibitory and expurgatory indexes, together with some consideration of the effects of Protestant censorship and of censorship by the state / by George Haven Putnam.
Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930.Date: 1906-1907- Books
Private case--public scandal / [Peter Fryer].
Fryer, Peter.Date: 1966- Pictures
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The books of rituals compiled by Numa Pompilius being handed over to the people. Etching by G.B. Galestruzzi after Polidoro da Caravaggio.
Polidoro, da Caravaggio, approximately 1495-approximately 1543.Date: [between 1600 and 1699]Reference: 2472433i- Pictures
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A Protestant man and woman interrupted while reading the forbidden Bible. Wood engraving by M. Klinkicht after K. Ooms.
Ooms, Karel, 1845-1900.Reference: 11688i- Books
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Indice ultimo de los libros prohibidos y mandados expurgar : para todos los reynos y señorios del catolico rey de las Españas, el señor Don Carlos IV. Contiene en resumen todos los libros puestos en el Indice expurgatorio del año 1747, y en los edictos posteriores, asta fin de diciembre de 1789 / Formado y arreglado con toda claridad y diligencia, por mandato del excmo. sr. D. Agustin Rubin de Cevallos, inquisidor general, y señores del Supremo consejo de la Santa general inquisicion: impreso de su orden, con arreglo al exemplar visto y aprobado por dicho Supremo consejo.
Date: 1790- Books
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Catalogue alphabétique des ouvrages condamnés, ou relevé de toutes les publications officielles faites au Moniteur, en exécution de la loi du 26 mai 1819, suivi d'un mémento des parquets.
Date: 1836- Books
Libros y libreros en el siglo XVI.
Date: 1914- Books
Bibliotheca arcana : seu Catalogus librorum penetralium, being brief notices of books that have been secretly printed prohibited by law, seized, anathematised, burnt or Bowdlerised / by Speculator Morum.
Date: 1884-1885- Books
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Dictionnaire critique, littéraire et bibliographique des principaux livres condamnés au feu, supprimés ou censurés. Précédé d'un discours sur ces sortes d'ouvrages / Par G. Peignot, Bibliothécaire de la Haute Saone. Membre de l'Académie Celtique de Paris, et de plusieurs Sociétés littéraires. Tome Premier -Second.
Peignot, Gabriel, 1767-1849.Date: An 1806- Books
Die falschen und fingierten Druckorte : Repertorium der seit Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst unter falscher Firma erschienenen deutschen, lateinischen und französischen Schriften / Emil Weller.
Weller, Emil, 1823-1886.Date: 1970- Pictures
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The method by which the Jansenist weekly newspaper Les nouvelles ecclésiastiques was distributed in order to evade the interdictions of the French government, 1727. Etching by Aubry, 1790.
Date: [1791]Reference: 29766i- Books
The Private Case : an annotated bibliography of the Private Case Erotica Collection in the British (Museum) Library / compiled by Patrick J. Kearney ; with an introduction by G. Legman.
Kearney, Patrick JDate: 1981