Edward Jenner : his life, his work, and his writings - Small-pox before Jenner - Small-pox inoculation - A century of vaccination - The diffusion of vaccination - A sketch of the legislative measures relating to vaccination - Cow-pox and small-pox : Jenner, Woodville, and Pearson / by John C. McVail - The bacteriology of vaccinia and variola / by S. Monckton Copeman - Animal vaccination / by Thomas Whiteside Hime - The feeling of the public with regard to vaccination - The Jenner centenary abroad - Short outline of the evidence given before the Royal Commission on Vaccination - Records of an old medical society : some unpublished manuscripts of Edward Jenner - [Editorials]
Includes reproductions of Kirtland's coloured plates of smallpox and cowpox pustules (1802)