Herbal containing descriptions, virtues, etc. of 212 plants, followed by another dealing with 216 plants: both covering almost the same items, with a single index. Following these a collection of 237 medical and other receipts and 'secrets': including medical astrology and alchemical processes. In Italian by the same hand throughout. On fol. 43v of the first herbal, pen-drawings of 'Herba lunaria' and 'Herba Solis'. In the Receipt-book, ff. 38v, 39 contain the symbols of plants and their astrological 'Dominators'. On fol. 41 two pen-drawings of alchemical 'Vasi'; ff. 43v, 44 tables of the hours of each day of the week with their ruling planets. Receipts Nos. 236 [336], 237 [337] are inserted after the Index of Receipts. Receipt No. 230 [330] is incomplete. These receipts are wrongly numbered. A few of the receipts have been struck through. Of the last 5 unfoliated leaves, the first three contain notes on metals and their ruling planets, tables of sunrise and some medical receipts. The last two consist of a description of Ancona. After the Index to the Herbals are 3 ll. of alchemical receipts by 18th cent. hands.