C19 Chinese MS moxibustion point chart: Yaoyan

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Acu-moxa point chart, showing the yaoyan (Lumbar Eyes) point, from Chuanwu lingji lu (Record of Sovereign Teachings), by Zhang Youheng, a treatise on acu-moxa in two volumes. This work survives only in a manuscript draft, completed in 1869 (8th year of the Tongzhi reign period of the Qing dynasty). It is illustrated with 84 charts, finely executed in colour.

The text states: The yaoyan (Lumbar Eyes) point, also known as guiyan (Ghost Eyes) is located to either side of the lumbar midline, in the two depressions that can be seen in the small of the back when the patient is standing upright. Moxibustion with small moxa cones at the yaoyan point can be used to treat lingering consumptive diseases (laozhai). Seven, nine or eleven moxibustions may be carried out. The number of times must be determined on the basis of the patient's physique and constitution.


Title: Laochong ('Consumption worm') Moxibustion Point Chart. Caption: Yaoyan (Lumbar Eyes)


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