In situ hybridization protocols / edited by K.H. Andy Choo.

[1994], ©1994
  • Books

About this work


Totowa, N.J. : Humana Press, [1994], ©1994.

Physical description

xvii, 480 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.


Bibliographic information

Includes bibliographical references and index.


Preparation of human chromosomal painting probes from somatic cell hybrids / Nicoletta Archidiacono, Rachele Antonacci, Antonino Forabosco, Mariano Rocchi -- Fluorescent in situ hybridization using chromosome-specific DNA libraries / William G. Kearns, Peter L. Pearson -- Reverse chromosome painting / Søren Pedersen, Johnny Hindkjær, Carsten A. Brandt, Lars Bolund, Steen Kølvraa -- FISH detection on DAPI-banded chromosomes / Henry H. Heng, Lap-Chee Tsui -- Generation of alphoid DNA probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using the polymerase chain reaction / Christoph Lengauer, Ian Dunham, Terry Featherstone, Thomas Cremer -- In situ hybridization using synthetic oligomers as probes for centromere and telomere repeats / Julianne Meyne, Robert K. Moyzis -- Mapping human YAC clones by fluorescence in situ hybridization using Alu-PCR from single yeast colonies / Antonio Baldini, Elizabeth A. Lindsay -- FISH of Alu-PCR-amplified YAC clones and applications in tumor cytogenetics / Christoph Lengauer, Michael R. Speicher, Thomas Cremer -- Primed in situ (PRINS) labeling of DNA / Johnny Hindkjæer, Jørn Koch, Jens Mogensen, Steen Kølvraa, Lars Bolund -- Free chromatin mapping by FISH / Henry H.Q. Heng, Lap-Chee Tsui -- Use of DNA-halo preparations for high-resolution DNA in situ hybridization / Anton K. Raap, Joop Wiegant -- In situ hybridization of meiotic prophase chromosomes / Barbara Spyropoulos, Peter B. Moens -- Strand-specific fluorescence in situ hybridization for determining orientation and direction of DNA sequences / Julianne Meyne, Edwin H. Goodwin -- Radioactive in situ hybridization to replication-banded chromosomes / Elizabeth Earle, K.H. Andy Choo -- Gene mapping using 3H-labeled heterologous probes / Pino Maccarone, Stephen A. Wilcox, Jaclyn M. Watson, Jennifer A. Marshall-Graves -- Dual-label fluorescence in situ hybridization detection of individual chromosomes in sperm using ejaculated semen / Judith H. Ford, Tie Lan Han, Graham C. Webb -- In situ hybridization to Drosophila polytene chromosomes / Robert D.C. Saunders -- In situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster and other dipteran species / A. Marie Phillips, Jon Martin, Daniel G. Bedo -- Microsurgical isolation of native polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster for in situ molecular observation / Ronald J. Hill -- PCR in situ hybridization / Gerard J. Nuovo -- Detection of virus nucleic acids by radioactive and nonisotopic in situ hybridization / Eric J. Gowans, Keril Blight, Jane Arthur, Geoffrey D. Higgins -- Sensitive immunocytochemical detection of viral genomes / Alison Boulter, Chong Gee Teo -- Primed in situ (PRINS) labeling of RNA / Jens Mogensen, Søren Pedersen, Johnny Hindkjær, Steen Kølvraa, Lars Bolund -- Hybridization histochemistry using radiolabeled oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes / Jennifer D. Penschow, John P. Coghlan -- mRNA in situ hybridization to in vitro cultured cells / Anton K. Raap, Frans M. Rijke, Roeland W. Dirks -- Quantitative in situ hybridization using radioactive probes in the study of gene expression in heterocellular systems / Catherine Le Moine, Véronique Bernard, Bertrand Bloch -- Tissue distribution of gene expression in mammalian development / Felix Beck, Joe Tucci, Paul V. Senior -- Subcellular location of mRNA by electron microscope hybridization histochemistry / Jennifer D. Penschow, John P. Coghlan -- Principle of digital imaging microscopy / Mäité Coppey-Moisan, Jozo Delic, Henri Magdelenat, Jacques Coppey -- Application of in situ hybridization for the detection of virus nucleic acids / Eric J. Gowans, Jane Arthur, Keril Blight, Geoffrey D. Higgins -- Positional cloning and multicolor in situ hybridization principles and protocols / Roger V. Lebo, Ying Su -- Characterization of constitutive marker chromosomes in humans / David F. Callen -- Detection of chromosomal aberrations in interphase and metaphase cells in prenatal and postnatal studies / William G. Kearnsand, Peter L. Pearson.


Copy 1 Donor: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.


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    Medical Collection
    QH452.8 1994I59
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  • 0896032809
  • 9780896032804